Category: Journal

October 24, 2023 / / Journal

Just know that there is a lot I didn’t know. Nothing to write today as I probably remember what I means from the title. In a hut…

October 23, 2023 / / Journal
October 20, 2023 / / Journal

Sloppy, sleepy, hungry all the day. I think part of the reason is that I don’t gym today. Really, gym is an anchor of feeling at ‘good…

October 19, 2023 / / Journal

Let’s write this now, although it’s only morning but I have a lot going through my mind while having breakfast. I’ve been feeling lost for quite a…

October 18, 2023 / / Journal

I think I do not lack of time. Instead, I the only thing I lack of is a passion to do something. Yes, still haven’t find the…

October 17, 2023 / / Journal

I think after I emptying out everything yesterday, my subconscious mind had helped me resolute some of them while I sleep. of course I have some nightmare…

October 16, 2023 / / Journal

Well, it’s really how my life theme sounds like — the juxtaposition cross of mood. Today have not much about inspiration, but more about questioning myself and…

October 15, 2023 / / Journal